Shadow Play


Shadowsshadows posted by Jchip8


Half Life

Stephen Levine

We walk through half our life
as if it were a fever dream
barely touching the ground
our eyes half open
our heart half closed.
Not half knowing who we are
we watch the ghost of us drift
from room to room
through friends and lovers
never quite as real as advertised.
Not saying half we mean
or meaning half we say
we dream ourselves
from birth to birth
seeking some true self.
Until the fever breaks
and the heart can not abide
a moment longer
as the rest of us awakens,
summoned from the dream,
not half caring for anything but love.

--Stephen Levine

Today I was reading Steven’s Blog, The Golden Fish, where he is talking about how we walk through half our lives with our eyes closed, waiting for that one moment of blinding clarity, then wish we could be in that moment at all times.

It made me think of Stephen Levine’s wonderful poem—one that I have posted on my wall at work at all times and I remembered this photo, that seemed so fitting for his poem. Here it is.

To the two Stevens/Stephens! Thank you Steven of The Golden Fish for your wonderful blogpost and Stephen Levine the great poet and psychologist for the poem, “Half Life”.

--Noelle Renee


  1. Such a beautiful poem from Steven and the 'Shadows' photo is so captivating!! Thanks for sharing the two!! Both thought provoking.

  2. Hi Nanka,
    Thank you. This is Stephen Levine's poem. Steven of the Golden fish is a blogger friend who was speaking of Shadows but thank you!

  3. You are a riot, Meri. You need to set up an online dating service :-)

  4. Not sure this works.
    Just wanted to say thank you for your visit last week. I am unsure about disqus.
    It used to tie my PC into knots. You changed your header? You had more colours in the sea before.


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